Shhhhh, I’m waiting for something WONDERFUL to happen…

6 Jun

One night as a man slept he was visited by an angel. In his dream the angel told him that he should go to the neighbourhood park sit on the park bench and wait, because something WONDERFUL was going to happen to him. When the man awoke the words uttered by the angel resonated deeply within him and he was determined to follow through with the angel’s request. Off he went to the park. He sat patiently on the bench alllllll day, but alas, nothing WONDERFUL  happened. He went back the next day, and the next, and nothing.

One day as he sat on his usual bench, a woman approached and asked if she could join him. Agitated and impatient about his dream still not having occurred.

He looked at her and said, “you can sit there but please don’t distract me because I’m here for a purpose. I’m waiting for something WONDERFUL to happen.”. He then explained the dream to her.

The woman was fascinated and promised she would not be troublesome, as she too was now interested to see what the WONDERFUL thing that the man was waiting to experience would be.

So everyday the man and the woman would meet on the same bench and wait. She would bring lunch in a basket, they would eat and wait. They would sit on the bench spending endless hours sharing stories, laughing and sometimes even crying as they both now waited for that WONDERFUL thing to happen. The days and weeks passed, as did the months and the years.

One day the woman no longer came.

Only weeks after had the man learned from a passer-by that she had died suddenly in her sleep.

The man picked some daisies; as he remembered that in their conversations she had mentioned how much she loved them; decided to take some to her gravesite to pay his respects. As he stood above her grave, he buckled suddenly at the knees and broke down sobbing.

For it was at this moment that he realized that the something WONDERFUL he had been waiting on the park bench all those years for was this woman, and he didn’t even apprehend the gift that he had been given.

Often times LIFE gives us exactly what we need and unfortunately we are so caught up in wanting more that we don’t see what is before us.

Erinee 🙂

p.s this is not my photograph but I absolutely adore it and wanted to share it with you.

2 Responses to “Shhhhh, I’m waiting for something WONDERFUL to happen…”

  1. Linda June 6, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    Love it…it really opens yours eyes, thanks for sharing!

    • Dimitra Calitri June 6, 2011 at 8:59 pm #

      It really does, doesn’t it Linda?? Everything is right under our nose if we just sniff a little harder. :))Thank you for visiting.

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